Thursday, March 13, 2008

Who's Here

Steve - my husband
Alison (Ali) - my daughter
Nick - my son-in-law
Tetley - my granddog
When Ali called last night, we talk on the phone at least once a day, she told me that Tetley jumped from the arm of the chair to the floor. This seemed to be an amazing feat for such a little dog. Tetley is a 6 pound Yorkshire Terrier but obviously she thinks she can fly. Tetley arrived last Christmas from Arkansas where her parents live. Steve and I were skeptical at first about Ali and Nick having a dog. Since I never had a dog, I was unaware of the joy that an dog can bring into your life. We've learned to love her and just like having a child, we tend to tell "Tetley stories".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great! I'm so happy that you both love Tetley as much as Nick and I. I think that we somehow knew that having a dog in our family was a wonderful thing. Now all we need to complete the dream is the 2.5 kids and the white picket fence.