Thursday, March 20, 2008

Vacation 2007

It was the trip of a lifetime.
We cruised the Aegean Sea.
Steve and I visited places like
Santorini and Athens, Greece.
We stayed in Rome and saw the Pope.
This is Steve in Positano on the Almafi Coast.
It was an experience I'll never forget!

The problem is...
did we take this trip too soon?

We're planning our vacation for 2008. Where do we go next? Can we ever go back to vacations at the beach? or a short trip to Virginia again? Now that we've seen Europe, will everywhere else be bland and uneventful? We're looking at London, that has possibilities!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Who's Here

Steve - my husband
Alison (Ali) - my daughter
Nick - my son-in-law
Tetley - my granddog
When Ali called last night, we talk on the phone at least once a day, she told me that Tetley jumped from the arm of the chair to the floor. This seemed to be an amazing feat for such a little dog. Tetley is a 6 pound Yorkshire Terrier but obviously she thinks she can fly. Tetley arrived last Christmas from Arkansas where her parents live. Steve and I were skeptical at first about Ali and Nick having a dog. Since I never had a dog, I was unaware of the joy that an dog can bring into your life. We've learned to love her and just like having a child, we tend to tell "Tetley stories".

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kodak Moments

This starts my blog.....yeah!